Winter1212 Records

Winter1212 Records is constantly looking for new independent artists to join the label, so if you are interested in joining or are curious as to what we will do with your music, read this important information:

  • Your albums and singles will be distributed to iTunes and over 200 other stores worldwide.
  • Physical CDs of your albums, as well as your merchandise will be sold through our online stores.
  • We provide services for album cover design, as well as marketing campaigns to help your album get promoted directly to your fans and the public.
  • We pay you quarterly through PayPal (you may need a free account, as well as a checking account set up with your bank or your  credit card to get receive payments), and we only take 5 to 10% out of your royalties to compensate for fees.

So, are you interested? If so, please don't hesitate to send us your demos or an email! Hope to hear from you soon!

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